Glory Days Sports Presenting Adult Sporting Leagues

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Glory Days would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming response to our adult co-ed softball league. Commitments have become a priority because spots are filling fast. NOW is the time to ACT! All teams must have their deposits in by March 8th. Bear in mind, individuals are encouraged to join as we have options for without a team. Please contact Nick Gargano at 856.264.1687 , Mark DeNafo at 609.517.1190 or E-mail us at

Once again Glory Days would like to thank you for your interest. So sign up now and start reliving those GLORY DAYS!

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Glory Days Sports Commitment

Family responsibilities and busy schedules have led so many of us to lose contact with the great friends of our past. Wouldn’t you like to get back together with these friends on a regular basis, bringing your entire family along, introducing your children to the children of your once best friends?
Glory Days Sports is fully committed to providing sporting leagues that the entire family will enjoy. Our leagues will be evenly matched, professionally organized, and reasonably priced to allow for only the most sensational experiences. We intend to have extracurricular activities for children like a Moon Bounce, face painting stations, balloons and much more!

This blog is the first step in connecting with customers of Glory Days Sports. Please participate in the discussions regularly. Glory Days Sports would like to know what you think would make our leagues better and what will make your sporting event fun for the entire family.